
A group of people in yellow kayaks
  • Booking conditions

    • The booking fee of 30% is paid at the time of booking.
    • The remaining amount is paid at least 2 weeks before the trip.
    • Bookings made within 14 days of travel should be paid in full at the time of booking.

    A contract between the customer and the organiser becomes binding:

    • the organiser has confirmed the customer's order in writing.
    • the customer has paid the agreed booking fee according to the booking conditions.
  • Cancellation policy

    • The customer has the right to cancel the package free of charge up to 14 days before the trip. The cancellation should be made in writing to Go Archipelago.
    • If the cancellation occurs less than 14 days before the start of the trip, the organiser keeps 50% of the paid package price.
    • If the cancellation is made less than 7 days before the start of the trip, the organiser will retain 100% of the package price paid.
    • The organisers have the right to cancel the trip if the pre-announced minimum number of participants is not reached, at least two weeks before the start of the trip.
    • Go Archipelago has the right to cancel the trip due to force majeure. Refund of the trip according to the current Package Travel Act.
  • Payment methods

    All package holidays purchased through Go Archipelago are invoiced and should be paid according to the stated booking conditions.

  • Safety and security

    Go Archipelago operates as a registered travel agency and complies with the regulations of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority in accordance with the Package Travel Act.

    During the Covid-19 pandemic, Go Archipelago is following the recommendations issued by the health authorities: no large gatherings are taking place and safe distances are being respected. The service providers involved in the parcels are also following the current recommendations.

where are we?

A map showing the location of a lake in finland.

about us

Go Archipelago is a travel agency in the Finnish archipelago that highlights small businesses to create a living archipelago all year round. We focus on quality tours for small groups where our guests get to experience the best that the archipelago has to offer.

Go Archipelago was created through a collaboration with four archipelago-active entrepreneurs, who together wanted to create a more viable archipelago even outside the lively summer season. We are therefore focusing in the autumn and spring seasons; when nature is in great change, the roads are calm and the local community lives its natural course.

We want to bring travelers together with local entrepreneurs and create a functioning network throughout the Finnish archipelago. With our travel experiences, we will show You all the unique hidden places in the archipelago in a sustainable and ethical way. We invite you to an experience you won’t soon forget!

Sara and Ville having a great time in front of the sea

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Package tours